
More Value for
Your Attendees

Your application to event tool. Find the right startups for your event and wow your attendees.


Startup Event Management

For your startup application management to
RaiseLink's Attendee Early Access feature

Thrill Your Attendees

Increase the quality of startups your attendees want to meet by providing them a RaiseLink free trial pre-loaded with startups you select to showcase. This free trial gives attendees access to the features of RaiseLink, including the auto-generated Investment Executive Summary. Attendees prepare better and faster meaning greater impact for attendees and startups.


Efficient Selection
Increased Attendee Satisfaction

Selecting the right startups to pitch or showcase is important to your event and long-term success.RaiseLink’s all-in-one platform streamlines the application and selection management process.

The attendee free trial gives you insights into which startups caught the attention of your attendees, helping you improve your startup selection for the next event.

Find new
and connect

RaiseLink provides all the ecosystem participants a space to inform, connect, collaborate, exchange knowledge and expand their network.